What To Expect
A Relaxed Atmosphere
We tend to dress on the more casual side while maintaining modesty and respect for the gathering of God’s people.
Our body is encouraged to get to know and love on one another.
CongreGATIONal Worship
Our worship songs include hymns, Psalms, and spiritual songs and are chosen carefully to reflect Biblical truths and to honor Jesus Christ. Our worship team exists to lead the church in worship, not to entertain or overpower with volume. We encourage congregational singing, regardless of singing talent.
Bible focused, Expositional Preaching
We believe that the primary purpose of the worship service is to honor God. We want to hear from Him, so we use the Bible, His written Word. We pray from it, sing it and read it together. The sermons are drawn solely from the Bible and are usually about 45 minutes long.
Family Integrated
All children are welcome in the worship service. We believe it is important for our children to be a part of corporate worship, and it is the primary responsibility of the parents for discipleship within the family.